

'What's On' is produced by More to Life, which is a joint initiative by the churches in Weston and Newbridge, in order to be a useful source of information for everyone who lives in this area.

The 'What's On' magazine was initiated by Peter Heywood and the More To Life team in 2008 and has been running in the magazine format ever since. 5900 copies of the 20 page magazine are produced three times a year, December to March, April to July and August to November, and these are distributed by the local church communities to every home and business in Weston and Newbridge. This covers an area with a population of over 17,000 people.

With the new restrictions that the recent pandemic has placed on all of us, it was felt to be a very good idea to take 'What's On' online and to develop a brand new website in order to keep the local community more fully informed and up to date as information is now changing so fast. However, this development is in tandem with our printed magazine and we are committed to producing this in the same way for the foreseeable future.  

About the team


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Tali Garan

Tali took over the role as editor from Naomi in June 2024. She also coordinates Life Events and Giving at All Saints Church
Peter Heywood

Peter Heywood

Peter initiated the magazine in 2008 and now is responsible for the advertising by local businesses in the What's On printed editions.
Gary web

Gary Oaten

Production Manager
Gary was editor from 2016 to 2019 until Naomi took over the role. He now oversees production and development as part of the small team.

More to Life team

The door to door distribution of the magazine is done by all the churches in Weston and Newbridge - All Saints Church, Weston Moravian Church, Weston Methodist Church, Grace Church, St Mary Magdalene Church.