3TL | For adults in our community
3rd Tuesdays | 11:15am to 1:30pm
All Saints Centre
Tuesday 17 December | Christmas Celebration
Tuesday 21 January | Sculptor Rachael Stone on "The making of Joyful Assembly"
Tuesday 18 February | Speaker to be confirmed.
Tuesday 18 March | Speaker Sir Peter Heywood on "Visiting remote tribes in Ethiopia"
A social get together every third Tuesday of the month run by All Saints: we’d love to spend time getting to know each other better in our corner of Bath!
Coffee and a talk on a subject of interest, followed by two course cooked lunch, plenty of opportunity to meet and make friends. Suggested donation £5.
Contact Pippa Page for more information pippa.page@allsaintsweston.org.uk or the Church Office 01225 447663.