Weston Chiropractic Centre
Chiropractic and Sports injury specialists Dr Giles Courtis, Dr Holly Duddridge, Dr George Kohn
Apthorp, Weston Rd Bath BA1 2XT
Chiropractic and Sports injury specialists.
Award winning Weston Chiropractic Centre offers assessment and treatment for neuro-musculoskeletal pain, sports injuries, Cranial Chiropractic and family wellness care as well as in house 1:1 Pilates rehabilitation, led by a regulated healthcare practitioner.
To help support the local community during these unprecedented times we are offering £10 off any new patient consultations. Please mention the article when booking.
Pilates courses available. Please enquire by phoning reception or reception@apthorpcentre.com
Appointments or questions please call 01225 423333
For more details please visit our website apthorpcentre.com