
St Mary's Catholic Church St Marys

Julian Road, Bath, BA1 2SF


Tel: 01225 311725 Monsignor Jeremy Rigden, Parish Priest
Tel: 01225 314114 Charlotte Boyall, Parish Administrator
Email: bath.stmary@cliftondiocese.com
Website: www.stmarysbath.org.uk

All post to 4 Harley Street, Bath, BA1 2SF
All services live streamed via website

Mass times

Sundays | 9:00am | 10:30am | 5:00pm
Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays | 10:00am

Coffee after 10:30am Mass. Everybody welcome! 

Children’s Liturgy of the Word takes place at the 10:30am Mass every Sunday. 

You can watch the Masses via www.churchservices.tv/bath and on the homepage of our stmarysbath.org.uk.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is available after 10:00am Mass on Saturdays, and by request (also available in French and Spanish).

Sundays | Children’s Liturgy 10:30am Sunday Mass in the sacristy. Open to children up to pre-First Holy Communion stage. Its themes run in parallel with the main Mass covering the penitential rite & the Gospel of the day. Parents are welcome too. Running late? Access the group via the Sacristy door on the outside of the church, next to the car park.

Every Sunday | 1:30pm
Malayalam Mass (Syro-Malabar)

Fortnightly Mondays | 7:30pm
Lectio Divina Group (Zoom)
We use Divine Reading to lead our reading and sharing of the Gospel for the next Sunday. Info: Graham. 

1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month
Ecumenical Christian Meditation Group | 7:00pm to 8:15pm
St Mary’s Parish Centre
Part of the World Community for Christian Meditation https://wccm.uk

1st Wednesday of the month | Tea & conversation with the SVP group | 10:30am
St Mary’s Parish Centre
Meet with members and enjoy a cup of tea in the Parish Centre. Email for a lift

Fortnightly Wednesdays | 7:15pm
St Mary's Synod Group
St Mary's Parish Centre

Last Thursday of the month | 10:00am to 12:00pm
St. Mary’s Open Church 
Private prayer, Mens and Ladies group and a Knit and Natter group.